The solitude ... a way of staying only in your own energy field … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

If i would be 20 today, i would try to hire myself at McDonalds .. cause i know i would interact with thousands of people ... and learn the art of connecting to the others ... without reading any books at all.

Probably today ... if someone would speak unplolite to me ... i would not even care.

Or ... i would smile ... and say ... “Say it one more time ... please! I just want to laugh loud and be happy ... cause i am not anymore mixed with my Ego.”

But truth be told ... we decide to chose solitude, because we had enough of living in a crazy world ... and be aware at the fact that the others ... the ones we daily meet .. could hurt us.

But i wonder if there is no misunderstanding between the fact that there is not the soul that is being hurt ... but the Ego.

Living in solitude ... is great ... but probably is not my path for this life.

My life lesson is ... understanding the human interaction ... not the human being... but the way ... we interact as humans.

But i missed the chance of ... hiring at McDonalds.

I had other paths to followed, meeting all kinds of people from simple ones to important people.

Had i understood anything from that?!

Well ... the Universe still gives me tests from time to time ... and i


failed to many of them ... so, so often.
But i continue the journey ... cause i know the lessons will be repeated on and on and on.

The meaning of my life ... i think i understood it ... but still can’t act properly on the stage.

I saw the message behind the message ... i know the theory ... but in reality ... i always forget that the illusions i see ... those that look so real ... are only tests and lessons.

My life continues ... and nobody understands, not even myself ... why i am so slowly ... in this process of soul evolution.

I refuse the solitude ... cause i still want to play around a little bit ... but not being able to implement everything i learnt ... i live in an energy field which is not mine ... and that delays myself to become ... ME ... the one i need to be.




Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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