We should stop ourselves want things which .... we are not destined to ourselves … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Most probably we don't filter so much what we want in life.

And we just allow it to happen.

Not thinking too much.

Not being .... wise.

Not carrying about morality or any other values.

In fact ... all we care about is simply to get ... what we want.

I did like that too.

I didn't cared of any values a human being would have.

And i've done that in continuous form.

Many times.

I haven't realised that some things are simply ... not destined to me.

To my life ... or to that point of life where i was at that time.

But ... nothing stopped me ... dreaming, chasing .... wanting.

The funny thing is that i had moments when i was really feeling that it was stupid all what i was doing ... but i couldn't stop myself.

Most certainly ... like many others ... i was suffering of "I want" syndrome.



Nothing could stop me.

Not even myself.

And ... in the moments of meditation ... when i've asked myself ... why am i doing that ... i could only reply ... "I don't know".

I was ... illogical.

Immoral ... dominated by the nonsense ... but always investing my time and energy ... for accomplishing my desires.

Unfortunately ... also for things which were not destined to myself.

Or ... at least not yet.

I could probably say that i was into my "I want ... era".

... not making any analysis.

Not carrying of ... anything ... except my silly desires.


But i couldn't see the full picture.

No ....

I was blind.

And it was worst ... cause i couldn't accept that there was a time for everything in life.

Not ... when i want.

But .... maybe when the Universe wants.

Unfortunately ... I've allowed myself to continue into the same style.

Living without any values ... but being always dominated of "I want".




Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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